Heated hose
Heated hose are used for constant-temperature transfer of water, oil, air and solutions. They prevent coagulation, freezing and increasing in viscosity of resins, fats, oils and other viscous fluids.One of the greatest advantages of our hoses in the elimination of the need for cost and time-consuming heat-trace and insulation work design.
Heated hose
This is a heating hose with a maximum thermal resistance of 500℃, which specializes in thermal insulation and heating of flowing fluid and gas.Hoses are manufactured according to specific requirements such as size, length, working temperature and fittings type.In addition, we also provide temperature controllers that are compatible with each product.
Heated tube
This is a heating tube with a maximum thermal resistance of 500℃, which specializes in thermal insulation and heating of flowing fluid and gas similar to a heated hose.The inner tube is further lengthened out at both ends, making it possible to insert a different removable transfer tube for an easy replacement as required.
Insulated hose
Heater-less hose available in nylon, teflon, stainless steel flexible tube and other types of hoses and tubes structured with insulation materials for hot and cold usage.Anti-spatter and other treatments are also available.
Hot/cold water circulation type temperature control hose
Heater-less hose available in nylon, teflon, stainless steel flexible tube and other types of hoses and tubes structured with insulation materials for hot and cold usage.Anti-spatter and other treatments are also available.
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